I don't like ghost town so no DL but i think maybe just making ramps to get to the differnet spots would be better than the grav lift.
Looks good but raise the bridges more there not high ewnough that you wont have to jump to get to the next floor.
It's very small but nicly done, but make it out of walls instead of fence walls and try and open it up and put something in that will make people...
Nice map i always wanted to make one just like this but never got to it and yours is much better than what i could have done but i think cleaner...
Great map but try making the middle hole smaller so people dont have such a huge angle to shoot at others below and this seems to be rigged...
Interesting map but i think instead of teleporters that you should make stairs that connects everyting like one big catwalk.
It's a great map and i like that you used the part that almost all maps block off but this map is missing something that would make it unique and...
It's a great map and i like that you used the part that almost all maps block off but this map is missing something that would make it unique
I love the layout and the middle bridge but i think that because the tunnels are very narrow and all that all the fighting will take place at the...
I love that the map looks nice and pleasing to the eye the stairs making a wall is one example, Seems like fun because of all the different...
Wow this is amazing and orginal nice job.
I lve the bases and this map remindes me of saffire because of all the shield doors, whitch the only prblem i have is the curved double boxe area...
Looks fun for FFA but i think it's kinda sloppy by the looks of the double boxes and but the single open boxe theres a small space, nothing...
This map rules for one with no interlocking and no you are not bad at forging your really good (said in post). I like the map but how do you get...
Very interesting map, i love the basers and i think this map is orginal but it seems to keep the middle empty and not alot of cover and so camping...
Wow this is really grewat and orginal but nothing like the V.1 i think, any who i think you should add some cover and also a bubble shield for...
I think its great and i really like multi tunnel maps but i think the second level should be made out of one wall not fence wall because they can...
I love the design and that map have different hieghts everywhere so no part of the map goes unused but i woulod suggest making the crawl space...
I really like the middle structure and disign and looks like fun for KOTH but i think maybe useing another double boxe instead of stairs would...
I think this orginal and all but kinda sloppy, but god this is really kewl.