this fort is great (i could never make forts even though it's like really easy to anyone) it seems balanced but i think you should get rid of one...
That door idea of yours was clever, atleast the way you used it accaully has a city feel to it, but i think you should make the building taller,...
This map is pretty sloppy man, but i like the idea, you need to give the attackers a base (does not have to float) with morew than just a mongoose...
This map is ver unquie and looks like fun, but it doesnt seems to be any cover just lots of jumps and ramps but REAL cover. like the map alot though.
OMG these is awsome it's smooth and the bases look so perfect but it is very wide on the top floor of the base and there is nothing in the middle...
Really nice map man but it seems that there are some small gaps in the wall that grenades could go through on accident, this is just a suggestion...
Ummmmmm it's really really sloppy i think that interlocking the double boxes and working a little more on the statue and give it some more detail
IT's very clean, and nicly made but it's basically just one straight away to another.
It's not bad, not bad at all but pretty plain and short, try adding more turns and different hieghts with some kewl obsticles like i have seen a...
Nice job it looks like a long and solid racetrack that is a smooth ride and the turns are wide and easyer than most to get by.
It has the same layout and weapon set up as MLG maps, i think this should go in MLG maps but as for the map itself the high tower isnt...
It's seems fun but unless your on the top floor you can't jump as high and also it's a little sloppy but i like the idea and how it's weapons are...
Nice map it makes me think of c0ld storage because of the bridges but other than that it's very orginal, looks fun for ballboxer, but in thst...
Not a Necro post. This is great and the design is orginal but i think that it's a little cramped and you should take out the sword and put in a...
Amzing map dude most these kind of maps are a double boxe line with a bridge to get over it but you have a switch and it is neat with cover...
WOW really nice map i love the scoring and the arena is kewl looking and interlocked i only see to prblems, one once the ball is knocked off you...
please embed pics
Nice job, you used a different layout and unused part of founrdry than most MLG maps, but i think that leaving more room in the tunnel as in not...
I like this map it's orginal and nicly merged but i think the tunnel should be farther from the base because it goes direstly to and from the flag...
Amazing map dude i love the center it's flawless, i have but one thing to say, nice job no complaints here.