really nice job but i don't like the shield door or the pit of death i made once and instantly got rid of it from noise and lag.
Thanks guys, and i don't see what you mean by hiding spots, You can't get out of the map (even with my probe i can't) and not only that it's...
It was my bad i did make the map i did make a link and i do have pics i accidently posted to early and i'm sorry for that jeeze.
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This is great i love th middle building and the catwalk but i think having the doublw boxes as cover kinda down grades it try to find something...
Good map and layout but you need to fix it up it kinda sloppy.
this is good if you want to screw around and vehicles and the upper floor must have taken you alot of time to make.
I like the spot where the humans spawn nice job with that man, but i don't really see any thing new to the map other than that.
Looks really easy to camp but i like the road way you put in and how it looks like it has been attacked by Zombies.
This is great and i love the hallway in the first pic. I would DL but i am full.
I don't really like fat kid but if its about the map itself i like how orginal it is compared to most fat kid maps nice job it looks very clean...
More pics would help but i agree a overused design but it is nicly interlocked and well done.
Building in the middle is flawless but i think the sniper is overpowered. It would just be a race to get the sniper.
Kewl someone made a map on ghost town, it looks great and i like the teleporters because normally it's really hard to get around ghost town.
The middlke structure could usae some work it looks very plain and open but it seems very fun for MLG and it's accually really good, nice job.
Great map but the turn seem really hard to make
Really small and simple but it is really nicley interlocked and blocked off so you don't go off track