I love Bungie, finally Living Dead is a playlist! Also, I think you forgot Campaign, that was confirmed to support Matchmaking now.
I one-shotted a Hunter with a Rocket Launcher. Does that count? XD
Dinos FTW! Commando helmet Aesetic shoulders Aesetic body plate
To above post by Furious D 18: Win! Too bad he got infected, but unlike when the Flood got him, he got killed that time :(
How did they nerf the laser, and where can I read this info?
It mayfunction similar to the Falcon. The Falcon has a "Hold RB to lock altitude" button. The Banshee may have a "Hold RB to hover" button. Also,...
I believe that the "Press Y to switch to Fuel Rod" is to balance the fact the the Fuel Rod's power has been increased.
This is possible proof that the Banshee in the final game can hover. This would be a good thing, because: 1: Makes it more of an even footing with...
^Awesome! This almost confirms that Banshees can hover, because the wings in the original photo are different, they're aimed upwards. They're not...
^What is this I don't even... Anyway, if you look at the wings carefully, they're the same as the beta ones, but they swiveled, and are now...
I heard somewhere that this jeep is called a Spade.
*head asplodes* Prehaps that this is the fabled "Mule" rumored to be in the game? Also, stop feeding the trolls! Sorry, had to say it :D
Well, it's mostly MLG guys that complain, because the BR is their staple. I guess people are just sick of change. And since the BR is so powerful,...
[IMG] Well, most of us have seen the new Halo Reach "Battle Begins" trailer. And most of us have seen those two random guys on a Mongoose, when...
Definitely the Shotgun. Nothing beats a drive-by shooting! Seriously, I did this on Big Team Sandtrap once. Hopped in a Warthog seat with a...
Too bad we can't vote for several weapons. The Plasma Repeater is my favorite, with the Plasma Launcher as a close second. However, I also love...
I was going to say that that's an epic ship, but then I realised that it's a part of Rifte Gifle's map "Journey's End". You either have to give...
I always loved the Plasma Repeater, Plasma Launcher combo. What can I say, I'm a plasma rifle elite!
*head asplodes* Once again, Fuzzywig, another masterpiece. Reminds me of the Shard from Mirror's Edge. I love that one flight of stairs, the...
Finished most of my goals! -Finished all maps. (done) -Get all Halo 3, ODST, and Halo Wars achievements. (done) -Get 1000 exp. (got 997) -Reach...