Personally, I can't even hit the damn thing with my Plasma Pistol. They just move too damn fast. :/
Ahahaha! Definitely deserves to get it! That's funnier than some of the ones I've already seen of Fails Of The Weak. I think you have a shot at...
Happy Birthday!
Hmm. You really should. You seem to be good at it. Anyway, welcome to Forgehub! As iiNFamous said, don't forget to have a quick look at the...
Aw man, Grif, you changed your name. Anyway, I draw. Really well, too. Mostly technical stuff. I read too. I swim competitively. I repair...
Okay then. Let me rephrase that. There is no solid proof that deities exist, yet there is also no solid proof that evolution exists. Also, you...
True. But we're losing toes becuase they don't help us walk anymore, becuase now we're wearing footwear all the time. And yet, my "old person"...
The funny thing is that there is also no proof that a deity doesn't exist. So, atheism and religion continue to exist in an uneasy equilibrium......
Wow. I was just hyping myself up for getting the game, and I was watching a video of the DLC mission Overlord. I saw the end. Damn, Bioware can...
Ok. I'm sold. I'm getting it. :)
Protip: When you get in it, aim straight down and shoot until the turret falls off. Then you can see, and you can still shoot.
Don't forget to add that Grenades are still relatively unchanged from the beta, despite being the most hotly discussed issue, up there with Armor...
I wanted to ask this. Is ME2 worth buying? I played the demo and thought that it looked good.
Lol. Anyway, welcome to Forgehub!
Sure, I'll write a letter to Santa Claus. After all, it's a good cause. Also, Santa is a cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything!
Well, I wanted to pay tribute to one of my favorite games (Mirror's Edge) by basing my gamertag on it. That's where the "Shard" part came from....
Meh. Not talking about the Pokemon themselves. I'm talking about the core stuff. Although I must admit, the new Pokemon look retarted. I guess...
Lol. Has anyone noticed that the Pokemon series seem to be going in a different direction than any other game franchise? All other game franchises...
Actually, you can get inside the nose turret. You have to get the Pelican to come in low, then you must crouch-walk against the side of the...
Actually, you can shoot down Jun's Falcon. I Plasma-Pistoled it a few times, flipped it, got the pilot out, and loaded myself up with Noble team...