Of the Essence "A standard conquest map. Now approved by the Xforgery certification team. 4-12" -By Gunnergrunt Download If you haven't...
Locked Out v2 "A tasteful remake of the savory map, Lockout. Banshee, laser, and bubble removed. Shotgun and elbow sealed. Mancannon added. 2-6"...
Locked Out "A tasteful remake of the savory map, Lockout. 2-6 players" by Gunnergrunt Download Description Of course, Locked Out is a remake...
Difficulty Map Pack by Gunnergrunt Description The Difficulty Map Pack consist of four infection maps. Each individual map consists of a human...
Valley Forge v2 by Gunnergrunt Here's a link to the original Valley Forge post. Description When Valley Forge was first posted, members...
DROP SHOCK -by Gunnergrunt 400+ downloads Description Drop Shock, a conquest map. More specifically, a conquest v3 map. It is also my...
Of the Essence -by Gunnergrunt 1000+ downloads! Description Of the Essence is my entry in the ConquestForgeoff. To better understand the...
Valley Forge -by Gunnergrunt Hello fellow Forgehub members and friends! This is my first post! (In fact this is the first time i've ever used a...