Red Vs. Blue Vs. Gravity. Blockdrop Court. Hey there everyone. So NOKYARD, created an amazing map for grifball a while ago, and then I had a...
(Working title) (Get it? lulz @ working title) ..Yes, this is another BTB main level map. But fear not, I also have a crypt map in the works...
[IMG] Hey there everybody! Time for more Amazing Bomb! :) [Download Amazing Halfbox] [Download Amazing Bomb] If you have absolutely no idea...
[IMG] [download] Hey there everybody, so I've had a single project that I've held onto for a while, for no apparent reason, and I'd like to...
[Left aligned images increase in size when you place your mouse on them]
Hey there, so AceOfSpades and i were messing around in forge, and created a new vehicle!! =D 105933799 Okay, so obviously, this is just a...
How do you colour coordinate the boxes on avalanche? When you get the colour you want you save and quit while holding it don't you? It seems to...
Welcome friends, to Epitel. < Download. (note: if you've subscribed to get notifications of when I release a map and are curious why you didn't...
How exactly do you get HD videos on youtube? ... my videos keep getting reduced to ****-o-vision SD. .. Help!? Thanks.
So this was a multiplicative project I did forever ago of myself and girlfriend (at the time) I still think this is a really cool piece. What do...
Finished my new desktop wallpaper, feel free to download. Tell me what you think please! [IMG]
[IMG] newer [IMG] Still have alot planned for this. :) ignore the border, it's hideous as all hell at the moment. 1920 x 960
Decided to make a DevID for deviantart. [IMG] Thoughts? (
Yep, another map. (Don't worry, the list of maps-in-progress will be released...) A competative map, that's also a warthog playground. :) Dubbed...
New abstract piece. Ironically, I made this while rendering an apophysis flame. Didn't like the flame, liked the filler project. =P [img] Tell...
Welcome everyone, to Noxy's Court. [IMG] That's right everybody, Grifball Double XP Weekend's newest addition, Noxy's Court! Look for this in...
Alright, so the original teaser idea of mine kind of failed. (My fault, I stand by the idea, just lacked the time to make it work) So, on with a...
Well, I haven't really done any sketch's in a really long time, basically January of last year, and I'm considering starting up again, just for...
Watch this, it's epic. Oh, and it's all CG. YouTube- Ford SHELBY vs CAMARO vs JEEP vs VAZ 2107 vs HELICOPTER - My cars (showreel)...
Welcome friends, to epivolc. < download [IMG] Okay, now that the action shots are over with, lets get down to business here, epivolc was...