ok to get the ball rolling check these beuaties out: [IMG] [IMG]
Hey thanks for the reply, i agree B seems best, i'm supprised the other options are stating to catch up.... also i need to get a game on data hive...
the videos were tweaked with different plug-ins in vegas to give an overview (A) look like its got too much gamma IE its got milk appearance (B)...
Good to see this finally out there, was interesting to see it all coming together, I also really enjoyed this map in H3 and this has deffinately...
ok thanks Veer :-) Edited by merge: well i had a quick look on my mums computer and B was actually by far the best on that one, i think because...
lmao oh dear Edited by merge: ok just for pinohkio all pics now with DMRs
yes there is not much in it lol its just i asked some of my friends and assumed they would all pick the same one as me but i got 2 votes for (A) 2...
This was from a gameplay capture, uploaded to youtube at 720p but watched full screen at 1080p, so the question is each still shows a different...
WOW im supprised this map didn't win sooner, great map, me and my friends have been playing on this a lot for quite a while now, really good...
Yea i love this map, went streight on my top list, great stuff, keep them coming
I was playing some 1v1 on this map with my friend the other day and got a weird death glitch where i was cloned after i got rocket shot: 17325460
@whoelz: Hey Pops, It's all good, unlike some sad nubs on here I don't see map making as a competition, I think your map is great i hope it gets...
this is another fav of mine, played some FFA with around 8 ppl it was great fun, very well thought out and very well forged, no lag issues for me,...
there are already good narrows remakes, check out the Dweight edit of someone or others map, its about as good as its going to get, and i wasnt a...
@Veiled Jester Your in luck i checked the map and there is enough money for the Warthog and Ghost, just pop into forge and add them it will take...
sorry for the late reply, I did look at it at the time, but forgot to post back here, i really like the center tunnel and would leave it as it is...
WOW i didnt know you made this map, remeber i said i submitted your and my warlock remakes to the bungie thread, i must have downloaded this off...
I gave this a download and had a run around looks like it will be good 4v4 fun, for anyone looking at the tops of the maze in the pics and...
Hey Rock, great job, nice to see a final release, give me a shout when you're all on so i can give it a test drive :-D
@morockshad: Hey Mo, thanks, it's good to know people are enjoying my maps, that's what it's all about :-D