First Tracks (Invasion) by FlyingshoeILR Last Hope (BTB) by Gazzaverage Sub-System (4v4) by Toastman
sorry rock i just assumed we already were friends on here lol :-)
@timmy Well my horrible headache has gone this morn am feeling fresh and ready to forge lol will deffo have a test version finished by tonight :-)...
Yea ive had a lot of test plays on Gully, Its a great BTB map and worthy winner, I just dont personally like BTB and kizingo plaza is a great map...
I tried old timey and next gen they were both ok, but i wont be including them in the final release as they are easy to add yourself also just a...
should be finished by Fri/Sat i'll send you a PM when its up :-)
I've had a few testplays on this now and i must say it's great, i know how much attention to detail in sizing, trick jumps, spawns, objecteives,...
lol yea i felt the same with my Turf remake when i saw Outskirts, thank god i had only done about 5% of it :-) all my reameakes copy the orginal...
good going for a first map, I think with turf you probably bit off more than you could chew, it's a tuff one, but good to see your doing some...
@Plasma Blades yep thats what i'm hoping to do :-) I did want to add the dinghies... it may still happen lol @newbieninja2 I'm using the door in...
Longshore remake with working bridge door While Timmy has been busy with Citidel I have finally had time to get back to working on my longshore...
I guess it's not ok to vote on my own map so i'll go with Kizingo Plaza, it has been on my favourites list for a while, I mostly play Snipes/DMR...
I was lucky enough to get a test play on this and really enjoyed it, I like the fact that the layout is simple and easy to get your head around...
@Forgefire Glad you enjoyed it, As there are no rooms to hide in other than bottom center I tried to get as much of the other parts as i could...
@Super Majin Vegeta We are sticking to the original weapon/clip/spawns etc for this release, but in the cut down version we will probably tweak...
I love tiny maps they are always so much more fun, It looks well made, clean and well thought out, i'll download it now and update with some...
@Reaper I agree, the Bungie Classic setting are currently not far from our own, they just seem to have slightly more grav which is fine, but most...
@Xx Overkill VR Glad you enjoyed it, I'm sure if need be we could come up with a slightly cut down version for quad split screen, we will try to...
It was indeed this map, had a test play on it a few weeks ago, seemed pretty solid to me then and im sure its improved since, keep it up
This is the first and so far the only Invasion map I have played on that I have actually enjoyed, Flying Shoe has done an amazing job, I really...