Unfortunately reach seams to be turning a bit into other games. Take red faction guerrilla and the idea of backpacks!
Looks nice. Are you making it compatible for other game types or is it just regeneration slayer?
Changed my sig now. Just an experiment. Website is a load of bull
On the inside but not on the outside. A skillked racer will be able to maintain spees around that corner and sort of cut the corner a bit.
Looks really cool so far. The final picture looks especially interesting.
I took the courtesy to go onto bungie.net and look at the sreenshots. The map looks awesome! everything looks nicely forged and looks clean. I...
That sounds like quite a cool idea. Put me down as a maybe because i am not online that much at the moment due to final exams that are approaching.
Sounds cool I might try and make a map if I have the time. This does seem a bit like advertising though, how many websites have you posted this on?
Please supply more information such as when and how many people. Maybe add a brief description of your map aswell. Don't worry about pics but...
I remember the original map pack being so incredible and this looks like it carries on that trend. Sign me up for testing please!
This map looks very impressive. I like the height you have got and how quite a few objects are set at quirky angles creating a nice effect.
So what you are hoping to see is someone to make a city on the middle level covering all the dunes aswell! I'm sorry but i cant see that...
They are snipers so that is pretty much their job.
I wouldn't bother building one at all. There horrible for the flow of any map and are very easy to camp in.
Looks nice but some places do seem a bit open but hopefully these problems will be rectified in testing.
The map looks really good. There is lots of height variation making the map more exciting to play on but try and be careful not to make the top...
Does sound like a good idea but the gametype will be very boring for those who die at the start just left watching everyone else. Also do you...
Looks really nice! Avalanche maps are always really nice looking maps and yours is no exception. It is also good to see that you have built actual...
That is exactly my point because sooner or later people wont create a map they will just put some stuff like: Small, 4 base, floating and the game...
I think you only need to look in the forge hub favorites or the featured section to see everyone's favorite maps. But my personal favorite at the...