You do know that you dont have to use the ghost merge glitch? In a land far far away in a ancient time there was no such thing as ghost merging...
That sounds exactly the same as the game in Action sack called tug of war. To make a new gametype you could make it so players earn points for...
That is a perfection medal or at least it is on Halo 3. To get it you need to get 15 kills and 0 deaths in a slayer,team slayer or SWAT game.
This is a well deserved feature. It deserves a download of every one.
Ummmm I dont think your screenshots are working. I can see the footnotes for them but not the actual pictures. You will need to add pictures if...
So why is there weapons put there anyway? Just looks like it will become confusing for players.
This is very exciting news indeed. I would look into putting in a team but due to my nationality and how bad the cross Atlantic connection is on...
I agree there Roche. But I strongly disagree on Spain winning. Yes they have a strong squad but they will have there assess handed to them by...
Does look really nice and cleanly forged. In my opinion you should change the name as it is quite common and you should probably rework your...
However useful this glitch may be if it crashes your xbox it means its not good for your console. It was set to 2 player splitscreen for a reason....
I really dont see this happening in however many years when they disconnect the 360 for the next console. I don't think that many people are that...
Damm it! Just after i vote for aerocrest it gets put on it anyway! In which case i will change my vote to Omega to comply with the rules.
I will start things off by choosing Aerocrest.
A beautiful map fully deserving of its feature.
With the world cup approaching I want to find out who you want to win the world cup and who you think will be the suppose package of the...
The reason why you cant have unlimited objects is because of lag and memory issues. Every time you spawn a object it is stored in a file where you...
if you have eight people spawning 8 blocks at the same time surely none will have priority then?
I'm sort of relying on gameplay vids aswell but they all look really bad so far.
Making a random object to spawn is always something tricky to do. What you need is the run time maximum set to 1. This means that no more than 1...
This might though lead to teams just stopping after gaining the majority of the territories. Maybe we should keep conquest the same. Tinkering...