Or you could just put more respawn points down! that way the game has a choice of places to spawn people.
That is very amusing but I bet most of those hits are for comments and not the actual map posts.
www.forgehub.com/testersguild BOOM problem solved
Too lazy to read your guide aswell if they cant be bothered to read the other guide.
That wasnt BOB, he dosent shoot you unless you attack him, otherwise he just legs it.
There is a testers guild here on the website. Use them as you will get some very good feedback from them, unless you are in a rush to post it as...
Nope unfortunately it dosent. I have found the new camo traits quite fustrating because before it made people take the offensive by flanking and...
Any reason why it has to be a soccer ball, because when playing it will look ridiculous having players push a giant football across the map. Just...
There is nothing you can do about the de spawning issue. It is pre-built into the game to stop things being left in the middle of nowhere. What...
So much clear than just a metallic pie. Also easier just to ctrl-c and ctrl-v
Why dont you make those maps. Actually i believe they have all been remade so try searching for them either here or on mlg because they had a...
Really liking the design. [IMG] \Especially liking this room, however you need to spread some of the ramps around abit. The map ramp section is...
We already have something exactly the same as this on forgehub. Tester guild/ tbh i would of been amazed if a forging website didnt have a testing...
Nice stuff. But it is a bit boring just to read a wall of text. Sprice it up a bit with some pics or some vids to make it not so intensive on the...
If you want someone to help you you need to give reasons why we should help you. Show us some examples of your forging is a good way of doing this.
It will have to be from a game that you own to be somewhat accurate so what fps do you have
That needs to be moved accross and reachified
If this map is completed then you have posted it in the wrong section. It needs to be posted in the maps section.
Use the testers guild for testing your maps. You will get some good detailed reviews from them.
Nice find! May be useful for puzzle maps and stuff like that. What way does the shield go, orange side up or down?