i don't mean to sound rude or anything but could you give me some credit for the ideas? awesome changes though.
and for the v2 i would like it if instead of the walls closest to you being walls, you should make them fence walls so you can see your other team...
how did you get in the ceiling of foundry, all i know is how to get outside of foundry
it's not my map but i accept your apology.
i think you should use shtgun or some other close range weapon to make it even harder, cause on guitar hero you have to hit them on the exactly...
i'd have to say TP link, he's awesome. [IMG] Edit: also deku link from majoras mask. [IMG]
then the zombies could go down there and get closer targets idiot.
definate Dl, but, how did you get the man cannons to float, i tried to do it but it didn't work.
Vehicle: Panther Type: light Weapon: none Sheilding: Powerfull Race: human Description: Developed during the SPARTAN II project, Panthers are fast...
looks totally awesome, and i'd love to play with the idiot that keeps getting the camo, overshield and custom power up, loads of fun.
this is pretty good considering how most of my first maps were a jumble of boxes on foundry that i called a "base"
awesome dude! love the AI Maximus, did you know that all AI's choose what they look like, some even look like human beings(you know, not all blue...
nicely done, but i must say that most UNSC and Covenant ships dont have wings. still it's a nice map
awesome map dude, i'll download when i actually get an xbox 360 lol
very nice map, but i assume it requires the honor system? maybe i'll get some friends and see who can complete it fastest.
erm, i dont have the game, and i was wondering, is infection an official gametype(made by bungie), or one made by the players.
and all the jocks and preps are cowering in the corner as the nerds approach, gravity hammers ready to kill... stupid preps!
and maybe there will be a forge college, and to pass it you have to remember everything you learned in forge school, middle school, and high...
*guy with recon comes into map* rec0n:wuz goin on? you:*put man cannon on ground and launch a cone at him* announcer:CONE-TASTIC! KILLER CONE! lulz
lol thats to good! definite dl! btw, are your BR's diet, or regular?