ok i get ya. you wanted to see if we liked it before you really spent any work on it, this is like a sample. hope the v2 would be better because i...
holy crap, awesom idea. in twilight princess when you fight the midboss ook, you could do that room. with barriers or something you could knock...
are you some sort of computer designer? cause that looks real proffesional, the map and the sketch thingy. it looks as if its one of...
i always thought that they should add an option where you click on an object and it says 'interlocking mode?' or something and if you hit yes it...
but if you give them -rep then you have to give a reason, and it has to be a good one or youll get infracted.
ya it is hard to imagine what goes inbetween the main structures, so i just build what i design and then go ahead with the cover stuff.
ya i thought that was strange too, i was flying around looking for the last few items (the budget wasnt full) but i started goofing off and got...
woah nice map, i really hate paintball maps, mostly because people just throw out some cover and say "maps done!" but i like this one. good job!
sweet map dude! it looks like a different version of foundry, like bungie might have made it. awesome.
a picture from the top looking straight down would be nice, and get rid of the vehicle love pics.
hello forgehub, i have been here a while and i think i need to make an introduction now. My name is Hunter and im 15 years old. I really like halo...
i would check out the rules, i had no idea about necro posting until it was to late(dum dum dumm) in case you dont know what necro posting is, go...
truly your language is that of a god. welcom to FH
your an excellent person, can i haz r3p n0w? lol just kidding. welcome to forgehub my good man. seriously wheres the rep. and i want GOOD rep! not...
lol obsessed with red vs blue are you? i like that series to. "THIS ISN'T PHISICALLY POSSIBLE" lol. nice to meet new members.
quady-ish? i have no idea. and that is pronounced: qwodd ee ish. :D
a nicely done map, but i have to say that you should lose some power weapons and instead place regular weapons around the map, but thats just what...
ya theres no way to to make sure no one steals them, but like they said MOST of forgehub is good peoples. theres some noobs here and there that...
i would have to say plasma for more open maps, and spikes for close qaurter maps. BUT FRAGS ARE THE BEST!!!
some sort of super multi level maze would be awesome! on foundry of course as it would be the best map for it.