A debate forum using only facts....rofl
No I was using sarcasm to point out that the most commonly used Pro-gay argument is false. So far I have yet to take a "Side" Whether or not It...
Ok, since noone responed to me early I'll be the first to go back on topic. QFT
nitrous your missing the big picture. If you take the entire graph it shows that CO2 does not have the portrayed affect on temperature. As in th...
lol wouldnt help. but I have a website dedicated to that type of thing. (sig)
Inresponce to the man above me... QFT wow....thats now Ad Hominem or anything....
lol ok matty =]
But I dun want to do it.
If you mean by sight, than no. However that would be like saying, black holes don't exist because we cannot see them. However we can prove they...
haha. 1.) The ice caps regularly melt and refreeze, in fact there have been periods when there were no ice caps at all. 2.) While the eastern...
Why is everyone ignore thewhole logic based argument? This isnt a "beliefe" issue, there literly has to be life out there. No "if"s "and"s or "but"s.
Haha alright well my point was more tha CO2 had no effect on temperature....but if you don't like Cambrian take Jurassic. CO2 levels 3 times...
clickk tehh linkzoooorrr
no, mathematically intelligent life has to exist too. Sorry about the sig.
If they want to commit suicide why not let them? it doesn't hurt you. I mean maybe they were born depressed, then they can't do anything about it....
my point was that much of his donations have come from oil executives. It is illegal to take money directly from any cooperation. That is why they...
Mathmatically "Alien" life forms must exist. A simple way to illustrate this is that in an unending (or infinite) series of symbols, all...
Seriosly? Why are you even in this forum? If you pay attention i I never said that reducing pollution wasn't good. There are many other reasons to...
Being gay is bad for the economy, yes, yes it is. Gay = less babies which = less workers which = less economic development. HAHA! but then... gay...
Hye man, your renders are really nice but your bars need alot of work...i used to make them and my later ones were really nice. You can look at...