lol thanks =]
People Eating Taslt Animals, yum. Id assume they eat tasty animals? What kind of question is that silly =]
We've been down this road, that is a crappy argument, just becuase something is (supposedly) natural, and non-harmful it is not necesarily right,...
Haha I remember 8th grade when i still believed in naive. But really I've put forth all the evidence to counter your statement already...
I made one, it went on for like 7 pages and then died while gaining absolutely no ground. Well DUH Titmar, your God.
So, in America there are 3 trillion barrels of recoverable oil. But were not drilling it. If America's existing marginal wells (wells that...
I had the sense not to click it. Although I have seen videos like it, (KCC) not an experiance i wish to repeat Heres a vidoe you all might like...
Predicide, I est meat, and do not acre to argue about it. However. Please do not link a disgusting youtube video to you post. Giving the name of...
based on fact. Technically all science is a theory. Howver if global warming is true, by Al Gores predictions, this is what it would cost.
This isn't against what you said. Rather jumping off of it. As study was done by a Yale Economist named Prof. Nordhaus. Nordhous used Al Gores...
I was saying it was unrealistic.
lol that wouldn't work....but if it did....
back up
care to support your opinions
Expect that they attacked
Please unless you intend our provide a good comprehensive argument, do not post here. Back on topic anyone?
I refuse to debate someone who will not accept fact, when I provide more than enough references, especially when they provide none. Climate facts...
I'm beinging to think that my argument is going over peoples heads. but in repose. "All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for...
Im simply talking about natural variations in solar temperature, read my links. Actually...its getting coldor...for the 6th time. or the...
GODDAMN this argument is really starting to tick me off. Just because you say it over and over doesn't make it right.