Stop using the argument, and I'll stop comparing. Otherwise bye =]
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL thats scares me, jesus Canada fighting America lulz. This is how it would be YouTube - Halo 3: Teabag Montage Seriously...
that doesn't mean we should enable them to do it.
FOR CHRISTS SAKE REDUCE YOUR FONT SIZE. are animals more important than peopel? Becuase people stave when they cannot pay for basic necessities.
Right there, thats my problem.
So you agree that the argument is illogical and shouldn't be used? So stopping bad things isn't good? So we should help gay people to be straight...
Actually no, im neither hardcore conservative, nor practicing abstinence. You know what they say about assumptions.... My point was that sex in...
Ask someone who's depressed they'd says lots of good would come from it. Really defeating this argument is ganna be a lot harder than that, even...
I would like to see a source? Yes we need to build more refineries too, but that alone wont solve the problem merely lighten it....
People drive drunk and don't crash all the time, I'm just saying it would be safer if we enabled people to do bad things...maybe "Theft Shelves"...
the gay marriage argument is intricately linked with whether "gay" is right. Thats would be like trying to argue abortion without bringing up...
Not a problem, I should have sited it in my original post.
Those have no effect on my argument. Please this is not a competition, act responsibly. I do not need to argue with everything you say, I merely...
No thats valid, just not a valid argument.
I am applying the logic that you (all) use in the pro-gay debate to advocate it. By taking this logic in another sense it becomes clear that it...
So your a Canadian, of course you would be against cutting trade ties then, it would be un-benificial to you.
Even assuming that the prices are artificially inflated, 1. the oil would have to be transported a smaller distance, thus less transportation...
Not true, biological depression All About Depression: Causes: Genetics Not even going to bother debating you after that stement. Are you...
thats actually a major reason good job + rep You fail to make any real statements, the facts that you put forward do not make the connection that...
Hey it took some time to find this as I had originally read it in book. But its all in this PDF (I skimmed it and the info is all in there, albeit...