It must be a horrible feeling extiguishing a life or knowing that your so selfish as to sacrifice a life
Starship trooper.... no wait.... starship troopers 2 aww **** STARSHIP TROOPERS 3
You guys are posting oxymorons not paradoxes. Oxymoron - Jumbo Shrimp (A statement that contradicts itself, but is not necesarily false) Paradox...
But thats not really the problem. I dont think that anyone has mentioned yet, the reason that real AI is so far off is because the human brain and...
I fulheartedly agree with Nemi, its in the same sense that you would accept advice from a grandfather but not your brother. When a person, or...
Kayaman, your loyal, act mature. If you have a quall with me, take it up in PMs.
But hey, he's Loyal.
Hahahahahah no such thing
ganna go to the beaaaachhh
heyy iverson =]
YOU (explicitave) LINKED ME DRAGONCOALS ohh and now that the thread is back, my favorite sound is the missile pod =]
haha sigged
I seriously hope your kidding.
hey dragon, go (explicitave) yourself =] lol pmp
hahah pmp I didnt know it was you and I was like "OMG who is linking to my sitzor?!?!?!"
after that last part im not even going to bother argueing you. yeah its sad that only a few people have made intellegent posts. Especially since...
QFT Just watch the video. Jesus you people are morons.
QFT -ferret