As I already stated. Science is at core a faith-based system. So that should not be a deciding factor.
i didnt say science wasn't more practicle. I only stated that at the end of the day all your doing is picking the lesser of two evils. So to...
lol made it better tooooo you can profile commment on H3A now =]
what are you talking about. I hate your brother.
i never said it shouldn't be teacher, or even given more precedence than religion...I just said that its a belief system....thus as faulty as...
evidence, as it is popularly conceived is useful, if not true..blahblahblah.... Both are based off assumptions, and why science is more logical,...
sdr--------- I love you....but Nitrous is setting me were not done yet.
we already had this debate you so called "facts" are based on fundimental assumptions and theus un-provabl in the literal sence
We assume based on observation light travels a certain speed. However if light suddenly traveled slower or faster than that assumption would be...
science is not a religion in traditional terms. However a requirement for religion is not "staying the same" as even religion changes, actually...
I think its time for this thread to be locked...
hey guys, lets calm down a bit. Yes he should have given pmp credit. But at the end of the day switches are to be shared. Not kept for one's self....
This map is only a it was made to be really open.
lol thanks anyway =]
thansk man
which comic is that?
hey, can you tell me what font you used for the "HAHA" in your joker sig?
lol whats up pred?
right so she shouldn't have sex, thus circumnavigating the entire problem. Also in response to your "image" sperm have potential, however until...
emi, thats an oxymoron not a paradox