Good question...
Well there was this one dude back a while ago at first he seemed all right prep talking us before the game started and all then he just starts...
I use mine because it sounds like Cortana somewhat and agent Tex, I think we all know who that is. ;)
I have Erico making me a sig it will look like pillz arn't here.
-_- WELL............ In other news that might have been the best montash I have ever seen.
They were waiting for us on the far side of the planet.
I hate it when I'm in class and I accidently slide the upper part of my shoe on the floor and it makes a farting sound. >:U
I don't know how to put my whole desktop in so this is just the wallpaper. [IMG]
Yes I need at least five letters to send this message. -_-
Any thing you need me to do for the group?
How can I use that sig?
Just the clan for now.
I'll join FFC, nice banner.