Did it work.
Get on. D:
Dammit never mind 4 oclock
Shane Ima bout to get on
It would be nice if 343 used the Halo 3 way of getting armor (by getting achivemints and not credits.) with Halo 4 probably not but it would be...
I hope, if you do attempt it that you do an "inspired" map and not try to copy it 100% that would make a good map look crappy, because of the...
I would use armor lock, problem solved.
When are you going to be on. I am...
If I could I would in the meantime... Keyboard Cat 10 hours - YouTube
Sometime this week or the next.
No Shane life suxs not I.
Because I didn't. -_-
In a week or less... or more probably the last one. :I
Not today.
Today Shane today...
Same as when I left and most likely tomarrow spelling is for shane's. (< ...........
I may be getting my xbox back in a week or less... or more. :P
My dad had to falcon PAWN it for awhile.