Moist towlits...
How about loosing your nose?
Yes why did you make both bases look the same youre loosing your edge and who should I go to for the picture?
Look at my sig I want my name where the hatch is opening, where mc is looking.
I really like the when someone is using a shield they are still vounerabel from behind unlike nooblock.
Slaughters bunny, dragon soul absorbed WTF?
*Kills falmer, loots body, eats falmer ear* damage to stamina discovered.
Sneaks behind dragon 3.0X sneak attack dragon poops on dovahkiin.
I have a good idea about a zombie map where they fight on a ship that is falling to the ground using traits I could make everyone go where I want...
I was fighting a dragon with Lidia and the dragon picked her up by his feet a threw her 7 miles * load last save.* -_-
Well good luck with that I'm going to stick to saving.
I watched a video of certain affinity answering questions and that was one.
What happened to saving up for the best armor, and post the link to the vid.
Too bad there's a small pause when you go in and out of the forge ball and it shows up and pauses on every ones screen in the game too... no more...
Halo 4 + Skyrim + Minecraft = Everything that was and will be.
Yes dooping and the lighting and is only a little part of one of the forge worlds and player trait zones :P
I like magnets. :3
Nope but I did now. :D
<(0_0)< >(0_0)> <(0_0)> Derpy...
Shane maclan is in my sig. >:3