Good job! I recommend trying to figure out where the teams would respawn in a CTF or Team Slayer game. They need somewhere safe and enclosed, and...
I tried to tease a while back. It didn't work. It could be that Forgehubsters generally care more about information than they do about surprises....
You made me pee a little. When you make this map, be sure to tack the "beta" label onto the title or description, so that after you playtest it,...
They also said you can customize Firefight 'fully', but that doesn't mean you can play it on every map. I remember reading that you can change...
I see what you're getting at. But Reach is a whole new baby. It did plenty of things that weren't consistent with the pattern. And it's very...
This is proof we can play slayer, oddball, race, ect. on Invasion maps, but that doesn't make the converse true. It could be that when you select...
The only reason why this feature wouldn't be implemented is because the forge objects require complex instructions, and because in Invasion, there...
I have heard multiple statements; first, that Invasion is confirmed as a playable and forgable gametype on Forge World and second, that it is only...
I think the only way they could put all environments onto one alternate Forge World would be to connect them with teleporters. If I were a...
This thread is like the other thread, except it's purpose is to get a better idea of which people would pick between these two options. DON'T...
I thought the same thing that hatofwin thought when he saw one side with a floor. I betcha that feeling would be gotten rid of if the floor was...
Skyrena I had a hard time deciding whether to post this as a competitive map, or as a casual map, as it can be both. The concept for this map...
One of Ching Chong Kid's switches (I think it's called Containment) activated solely on the presence of a player. It could be that a hologram...
I guess this is another reason it would have to be invasion. In invasion, the attackers respawn somewhere else every single tier. The other...
I wanted to say thanks for making the list of all the Sketchups. You've done an excellent job so far.
In Halo 3, there were three currencies. The money limit. The individual object limit (for example, only eight sender-node teleporter). And...
If I had created these bases, my first urge would be to put them where the Hemorrhage bases were, and use the canyon as my in-between space. I...
Instead of going under, I'm actually going over. As it turns out though, I didn't actually do that to avoid the impossible digging, I initially...
Your Sketchup looks good. I'll be happy to follow you around Reach's release.