The other way to make it work with Jet Pack is a vertical soft kill zone. Or a vertical chute, I guess.
Hey bro, if you'll accept, I'd love to help you out with your map a little after Reach rolls around.
I'm sure there's a way to make this map work well gameplay-wise whilst still keeping the perfectly measured aesthetic that you've created. I'm...
Proximity Proximity was a map in Sandbox that I made a while back (it looks like this) and I plan on recreating it in Forge World. I've decided...
Excellently done! Intriguing! The only problem, like people say, is how open it is. But I'm racking my brain trying to think of ways to do this....
I'd be happy to!
No problem, bro, and you too!
Your post sounds honest. You've lowered my doubts considerably. Thanks. (: EDIT: He was asking about forging, that doesn't guarantee that Ferrex...
The quote goes like this: "You should be able to completely set up (or re-arrange) an Invasion map." It could be interpreted several different...
Comparing "Completely set up" and "re-arrange" is comparing two relative terms. In order to observe one term in a practical way, it has to be...
I can imagine it just as clearly as you can. The same way I can imagine myself burping a butterfly. In my head it looks simple. To actually make...
Firstly, if we continue this, we ought to drag it over to this thread so that we don't clog this one. "Completely" tells what. "on Forge World"...
It's at this point that the phrase "completely set up" becomes relative. Maybe the statement means that you can change where the territories come...
It could be that Invasion is a complex enough gametype that the game engine couldn't handle it on a map like Forge World, that is already...
Yes, I know, I knew a long time ago, you can forge on invasion-specific maps. We are talking about, (or supposed to be talking about) forging it...
Read it again, didn't say anything about original maps. EDIT: Unless by "original" you mean the original, invasion-specific maps. In that case,...
To Cartograph: Nope. No it's not proof. That addresses forging in general, but it doesn't mention Forge World specifically. Someone posted the...
Yup. Firefight ain't forgeable. But in my thread no one has been able to provide a solid citation on whether Invasion is forgeable on normal maps....
Forging Firefight has been busted. A lot. I think the main reason they couldn't put that in was because the changing of the level geometry...
Skisma. Lol. Sorry! This logic implies that if Firefight were forgeable, it would be put into the same lobby as custom games. It's in it's own...