[IMG] My first sig. Your quality is alottt better And I messed up on rendering the character a bit. + I saw a tut on youtube.
I'm okay ;) ......
Thanks. You got any tip to add depth? I'm not really sure how'd I do that. This is what I was doing a couple days ago: [IMG]
Did you use paint? =P Just kidding. Uhm, I like it ^^ v1 more though, v2 is a bit too blury
Thank you. I thought a ninja would be a good theme. Cuz I'm ninjaa 0.0 haha
Thanks you =D
Alright. Thanks, thats what it is.
Welp, here it is. I really like it, it's my best so far. But, I want to continue to get better, so any comments? Suggestions? [IMG] Be...
sorry for double post, go to first thread
I've made way better ones. check the shop
Siggies arn't my thing?
Shut up =P I use GIMP, but I've only been making sigs for 2 days.
By the way, how will i resize the sig to the size i want it after that?
Alright. =]
Yeah, I want to see what other siggers would do to the image. Because I ran out of ideas xD
Rememer that?
Ment to reply to RightSide, you got any ideas for the sig? I don't really like it so far.
Do whatever you want to it.
Anybody willing to work with it? I can't think of anything else to do. Thanks =D [IMG]
Thanks duuude