But; you never said anything about photoshop untill he said something back about the size.
Woops sorry. It was a typo xD
IT'S A CNC!! Xylom... she gave you advice; that's why you made this thread. Wow...
Could somone capture some clips for me; like 5-6, I wanna practice some editing. Thanks =D My service record is horrible. Don't judge by that...
DUDE; same with me...
Who actually says "reek" wow. IM OFF THIS FORUM PEACE
It's just for fun. I think somone should be able to create a Halo party right when they sign up. This is a fun community. So you don't wanna take...
You didnt say anything about me. But whatever. What does plzz mean?\ Ima jump off this thread. It's just spamm
Holy **** thats anoyying. sorry.
You're at the computer. I'm 14. And I type fine?...
probably shouldnt put made by at the bottom. People don't like that..
Different font. And the rest of it is basically an opinion. go to dafont.com
Jelleh will make a badass one.
Uhms. So, Instinct's has a representation of MLG? Okay, let's get off that subject. That sig you made for Grif, you spelt Edge wrong.. and...
Uhhh. He spelt edge wrong. NICE
I'm not mad, I just don't get how that's not like one of your examples.
K lol, whatever you say =P
[IMG] [IMG] I like em. =D different sizes so you can pick Bottom one has a bit of a border
[IMG] Want something like this?
Hey, that's pretty cool. I just made this from a tut. [IMG]