I really like it. Maybe not fully desaturate his face. That's all I can think of; unless you want to make the background colors a little more...
Terrorize That by ~brujo on deviantART
Okay. Let me go find one. Do you want me to use the sig you make?
alright xD
kay. could you give me a stock to use some c4d? then you tell me what i need to work on?
Yup =D
Uhm, I've just been doing random ones at www.gimptalk.com don't do one untill you see the end result from the persons tut.
Yeah. You got any advice? Should I use more c4d?
Alright. See renders are way easier to make look better: [IMG]
[IMG] Here's you sig! Sorry bout that text, black kinda messes it up.
yeah, renders are way easier. viralgfx have good tuts for stocks?
Yeah; renders are way easier. Do you think viralgfx would have good stock tuts?
[IMG] Not too great; couldnt think of anything to do =/
Yeah, I'm using tuts from Gimptalk.com. I just started doing artistic things on the computer; if that's what gfx is. I have been mainly using CnC...
I know; he wanted to and I didnt wanna say no. I'm getting better =P
I decided not too. It's the weekend; and I have no homework
The Blue Ninjas [IMG] TheBlueHaze and Ninjas Samples:[spoiler] Type: (signature, avatar) Render or Stock(render will be easier to...
I said that Ice didnt say anything about photoshop untill Xyo said something back about the size.. =P lol