your points that you just told me were pointless. I did as much pre bracing as i did ghost merging with this map. and It doesn't matter if ghost...
would u please tell me what walls arent strait?
not really if you told me that your dad worked for bungie and that he would get me banned I would just say "dude your ovbisously just full of...
I noticed, but whats the point of this? piss people off who might be in good moods? sounds pointless and messed up, what if something really bad...
dude i'm 16 and no you didn't but there's no humor in this its just like what an 18 year old kind trying to piss off 15 and 13 year old kids...
wow this really wasn't funny at all. Thats just totaly pointless what your doing and not funny... All your doing is making it look like you have...
Thanks a lot, Were already collecting clips for the next one lol, so ill let you know when we come out with our newest montage.
yes it was, we had about 2 years of clips saved up, then we bought a capture card and we couldnt get it to work, so i went through and deleted all...
we just named it a triple kill tage because a majority of the clips were triples, plus three brothers made the montage, so it went good with it.
cool idea, this sounds like a really useful thread, Im glad my map brings to your attention!
thanks im glad you liked it, im sure if its nesessary it will be moved.
Here's the new map, it will support 2v2 3v3 [img] [img] [img] [img] The map is far, far, far, far, far from completion so please forgehub dont...
Okay so here is our first montage (me and my older brother). This is all the clips that we could get in about 3 weeks, so enjoy. YouTube-...
Okay guys this is a video with commentary that explains ghost merging and shows some more advanced and what you can do with ghost merges. Check...
hey if you are wanting to do some testing on this invite me oO havey Oo This has been a long project and needs to be done already! so i will help...
im glad you think the map is "awsome" but I tried a mauler, then having nothing there, and than lastley the sniper and me and my testers agreed...
Thanks micro sorry i didn't tell you i guess i forgot. Im glad that you like the new map i made. Yeah a lot of people seem to enjoy the camo...
Thanks for the comment jfox. And no i looked at the other version they have different names, Im glad you like the forging
Wow this is huge for the skybubble how did you not run out of money? This looks really well planned out and forged. I really like the design too....
u got any updated pics?