okay so at the start the elites will fly banshees from there island to the place where the spartans are right? well if a spartan kills an elite...
I always wondered how you made these in H3, thanks, ill sub :D
Does anyone know/or have any info if were getting the MLG playlist in season 3?
That will never happen... After maybe a couple weeks this will just be a dead thread 20 pages back
Well this thread should jsut be locked, I dont see a reason why someone would make a thread just to complain, WHEN IT WONT CHANGE ANYTHING! This...
gt: trav havey...looks good
Okay well maybe that is YOUR GUYS opinion, but I have a little suprise for you, and it might shock you but, complaining and bitching about it on...
Everyone just bitches to much, just be happy with what you have, why does everyone always have to have more, 2.0 is great so stop complaining...
Okay i figured it out, thanks guys :)
okay i will next time im on xbl, thanks.
cool, how did you get the gate to explode? ive seen it before but i dont know how to do it edit: i watched vlads guide but dont exactly...
do you spawn in the coliseum? if so delete all the inital and regular spawn points that are in there. i had this problem earlier and i laughed...
Thank you, I didn't know if the staff would do something so minor like that since the site is crowded with all the new members. So thanks :)
Hello, can i have my name switched to Wresh, please. its been myshotsakill for ever and ive had wresh for almost a year now on xbl
so i made a map for 2v2 and when i go to start up the game one team starts in the collessum* i set up inital spawn points team spawns and spawn...
in the armor abilities what is the drop lock and the evade? never heard of them.
thanks guys, I did actually spend quite a bit of time to make. Although this isn't my favorite map I still like playing 1v1s on it.
I am pretty sure this should go here, if not sorry YouTube- MLG Tips: Strafing
ehh its okay, I mean it looks like nothing new, just the same old, old mlg 4 base maps.
its not slow paced at all, all my testers and people who have played this map found it extremely fast paced. And about you repling to my forge...