But does it play as good as it looks?! O.o lol goodluck in the competition!
Hmm I've tried many layouts so far, and known of them just seem suitable. This is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be. I like it.
You should put this on your fileshare so everyone can play and test to give you feedback until the final addition is released [:
Hey guys, in the video, that is my bro. Justin explaining the video. This video is our submission for the movie pitch competition, we would...
Not doing any blamming or map stilling, just thoughts of inspiration. But I couldn't help to notice that it seems as if you got a lot of...
Any update nexn? these are very anticipated [:
How do I get the map and gametype? could someone link me?
I thought bungie said they would already be gametypes? you have to actually go into a game of speedpile on matchmaking then save the game.
What about speed flag? D':
Okay, I see what you guys are talking about now, looks good. I would love to test this.
I'm confused, what is the first picture in the new update post? is that the extra route?
Hey you never got back to me so I was just wondering if you got the chance to check out the map and if you would be willing to let me take a shot...
I'm pretty confused on the Pavilion remake, what part of the map is that picture of?
Looking very good, what was the one route that the two of you added? I think Erupt said it was an extra route that is viewable on GoW2 but not...
Ha thank you agian
could I possibly get a name changed to Travis? and if that's taken then Travis H. Thank you.
Get up the new pictures, I'm really wanting to see some new changes to the map, it's looking pretty good right now and I would love to get a forge...
Thanks for the feedback guys There is actually 3 routes around the map along with one large tunnel, sorry if the pictures weren't as clear. As...
Corvex is my first map on Halo: Reach forge that I found worthy of posting. It is a symetrical map featuring three levels, and a nice switch =]....
okay thanks, i was just wondering how you guys are donig it, because i have a similar intro to my invasion map.