I will not be able to play H4 till Friday, however I have watched multiple forge videos. I have an idea of all the objects so I've been working on...
The wires that are on forge, are there any straight ones? I seen in videos that they are bent. Are there any straight wires on any forge map?
Is FUD suppose to be taking place during Reach, H1, H2, H3, or H4?
I'm a little confused about one thing, why do the cadets not know who the chief is. Why isn't he a legend to every member in unsc
I can understand not being impressed by the lack of features, pieces, or atmospheres but I'm just a little curious as to why you'd want to go back...
I was wondering if halo 3 is going to be taken off of xbl soon? and if it is can I still play custom games with multiple xboxs without a system link?
I downloaded this version that you gave and did a forge through. I'm a fan of your forging because you do original designs. Personally I'd like...
Thank you :D
Hey could you give me a name change to 'medium' and if that's taken 'ITIedium' Thanks :)
Personally I love the layout. To me it was original. The framerate in both the bases is to out of control to even play a 2v2 slayer game on. I...
I'm getting the feeling h4 forge will be just like reach's, if not a little better. by just like reach's I mean maybe the same objects. I say...
what he was trying to say is all the judges are judging the map based on 'just overall map' everyone is saying you need a rating system, and the...
You said " Glad I just waited for a picture to be posted." Where was it posted at? I don't see it. I don't think spending my own time on a code...
I have to agree with Ace, Seraph looks great. Well really they all look great, I'd love to get some games on these. Put them on your fileshare? :3
Is there going to be a second forgeworld? or is this all just hypothetic talk?
Do you mind if I try something similar in a map I'm working on? I was planning on just usuing a ramp, but a circular staircase would look great in it.
I would love to see how these work, but the video isn't working and when I click on the link it doesn't work either. any youtube versions? :/
So basically to make the stairs like that you just set the degree to 5 and use 18 pieces for it to reach its 90 degree's? It looked a lot more...
I did read that, but I thought that you misunderstood him because it really doesn't look like railings. This looked very time consuming to do.
What is the wall on the left side of the map made out of? It looks very nice though.