I vote for: Crypt by Noooooch
Your not the first to dislike the stunt ramps but they do grow on you eventually. I wanted to go with a conveyor belt look (hence the map name)...
Yep. The spawns have been completely fixed. Right now though, i'm hoping to manipulate the spawn system to greater encourage firefighting on the...
My budget is quite plentiful and i guess i could try a different type of flooring. Also, i tried turning around the 1x2 blocks but it doesn't...
Conveyor Conveyor is a project that is very dear to me. It is the way i wanted Escalation to be. However, that map turned out a rotten mess....
The area with the machine gun turret seems too overpowered. From what i can see, it looks like you situated the rocket launcher extremely close to...
For all this time i was curious about what you were working on. But i kept to myself knowing that i would get in the way. I just have to say that...
Considering your goals this map is great. You have kept the map looking clean and nice while remaking Sanctuary well and decreasing the likelyhood...
Crap. I must've came off just as they were being uploaded. I'll go back on Reach tonight and finish the upload.
I've got the footage on my file share although i did make some changes after the games. I hope this footage can be useful to you.
K. Duck said he was gonna get a lobby together after his class so i will try to get some footage.
Hey Oli. how's the video coming along?
It does have a shotgun and two concussion rifles. But not too many. I dont want it to become an innaccurate remake instead of a Elongation based...
Happy Birthday!
Has anyone else seen the picture that Jeb tweeted a couple of days ago? [IMG] Prefix mobs, anyone?
Name: Juggernaut Picture: N/A Description: A forerunner skinned wraith with some physical changes. Fires gauss rounds with a firing delay of...
I love people who take an elegant map and totally redo it to create an entirely new map. I think such maps are some of the most aesthetically...
If it was a different game, then the content would be difficult to make work with the corresponding Halo engine. Of course it would allow for a...
Its because elites are slightly taller than spartans. I had the same problem before. Even though the elites can clearly enter the are of the...