It's in version Alpha 0.1 so i think that when it comes close to completion, they will put a price on it.
I downloaded it and had a go. My PC takes quite a while to load the terrain textures. The game might fare better on a gaming PC.
Holy. ****. The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim: Dawnguard - Official Trailer - YouTube
The new snapshot is out! They made it so that you get XP orbs from mining some ores, cooking in a furnace, etc. They also added a Jungle Temple...
I subscribed to the channel and i go on Youtube every day so when a video gets released, i'll put it on the thread immediately.
This thread is dedicated to an up and coming game, Starforge. It's a real-time strategy game with first person shooter elements. It is inspired by...
Congrats on the map. I always liked this map because it has something that i have yet to see in any BTB map which is asymmetry, balance, aesthetic...
Ok. I'll get it on my file share sometime tommorow (Saturday). It might be a bit small for video-ing but i was considering doubling (yes DOUBLING)...
I knew about the tnt. And yes, you can just break it with your blocky, blocky fists.
Well i could host the server if you wanted. It would have to be Hamachi though and i have a school schedule to stick to so i can only have it up...
A Marathon graphical remake or at least a brand new marathon game would be amazing.
Guys. I just downloaded the new snapshot and i found a castle-type sort of thing in a desert biome. I kid you not! EDIT: It had nothing in it...
This is what forgehub do so i don't really feel the need for this sort of channel.
I have a finished map but obviously i can't get you any footage. I would hate to hog the spotlight after that feature on HaloWaypoint anyway.
This may be the picture quality but does the gravel in the village look different to you? EDIT: More pics from Jeb:
Have you ever considered texturing video games? Cause that is god damn amazing!
Jeb just posted a picture of his experiments on Villagers. Also, take a glance at what you can see in the background...
Hey Oli, will you be taking submissions for Halo 4 maps when that comes out? Cause i have a ton of ideas for Halo 4 maps.
Well my friend was in a game with a guy who during 1 game had 100 killionaires, 1 million headshots and had everything in the game (including 100%...
Yeah but we all know that the basic shapes will be included, along with a probable budget boost or scrapping of the budget system completely. As...