kool well welcome to fh hope you like the community
welli guess good job but people can just jump right back into the map and then theres no point into having th map outside
i really like this map form you good job and keep up the good work
it would be nice to get some good rep to form you oh so kind people so if you feel its worth it then go ahead now heres about me- i love to play...
shouldn't this really bein race tracks? (just wondering)
good job but the recon looks like someone elses did you just copy the pieces to it?
even though it wasn't a copy it still makes this map so unoriganal why not thing of your own idea?
oh i was abnout to say this was not your map but good thing i read don't want to embarrese myself now
this actually looks pretty cool
i agree there would be to many mods
i was gona say that it is very funny also my favorite thing was the part where he made a home aid razor then he brings it close to his chin then...
id buy it nd show all my friends and theyd be like wtf
you just jinxed yourself i said the same thing and guess what happenmd that also stupid microsoft said theyd send in the box mont later called and...
looks like captin jack sparrow to me
gj on the feature love the map
*edit* crap i hit submit twice can osmeone please delte this post it won't let me crud sorry for double posting
oh i remember when tis map was posted it just looked like feature material
Xbox Live Gamertag: BROWNIEkillYOU ForgeHub Username: browniekillyou Age:14 Do You have a mic?: yes Requested Lines: Never gona jump to high
definatly pretty good from what i can see
nice job ive never really seen someone make the entire map outside of foundry good job love it