no see you know exp right? well the higher the exp you have the longer it takes to get one level so if you have no exp at that level then it goes...
ok here is a quick tutorial on how to rank your person up faster basicly a quick 50. heres what makes it go slow when your a high lvl. its your...
pretty cool map man don'tl et those map thives get this is so ill be on it cause i always look for map thives
your suposed to add one pic or two of evry map give a brief discription of each and then post it so if oyur going to then you have 24 hours to do...
not as good as your other ones but good try only good part is that narrow tunnel
nice job and evry picture looks like a difrent map on foundry but its all the same don't know if that was purposful but nice illusion
oh crap no you didn't i just saw this map and said i saw it before i did at this link...
good job at the update
its form runescpae back when i use to playbefore it was ruined so just to let yall know
forget this post i was wrong my last post on here you can read and understand (last post is on page 2)
good job this is one of oyur better race tracks that ive seen from you so far
cool but the second picture reminds me of tokyo for some reason
so yall really waiting for a v2 badly?
hat is just very awsome sweet job man
wtf i vew seen it osmewhere on halo to but thatas just awsome
it looks like a terodactil (not shure how you spell it)
it does look like ghost town i like it and nice cat avi btw i love cats like that
lol ok ill stop ill start rating peoples maps non spmaing style
kool well welcome to fh hope you like the community my gamer tag's are br0wniekilly0u (o's are zeros) BROWNIEkillYOU gl forgeing
kool well welcome to fh hope you like the community my gamer tag's are br0wniekilly0u (o's are zeros) BROWNIEkillYOU and gl forgeing