im going to ake a v2 of all my bad maps or maps that need to be fixed soon so i hope not to keep yall waiting to long and thx Texture
pretty cool i made something similar i don't know if its better or not but this definatly looks cool
well if you go to propartys then go to the last thing and choose advanced then go to trouble shoot and see if the hardware acclaration is all the...
how is it the same they said yours was cheating mines not so its not the same so i really don't think so
gl with it hope yall win
all i gota say is i don't watch sports i only like to play them
do something thats just rando like brownie's killing people its so random do something like that it always gives me a good laugh
man im always told if it gets tolen its gone and theres o new one so .......LUCKY........
i don't like it that much cause im not at my house and this computor is suposed to run faster then mine but it doesn't this computor was made in...
ilike it and it reminds me of br vending macine
but it looks like flmaes in the back can't yall see it?
i accdently put it in aethetic because thats the maps i usally make and sub concisly put it there
im not gona say post pics but form what it says looks like a good map
pretty neat form the pictures more would be nice
youve almost got it right man gl getting it right though
you don't know ohw old these glitche are the easyest ones are foundry and the pit the only way i will be amazid if osmeone finds a way to get to...
i truly like are idea but yeah it isn't that legit but you don't know those people all you can tell they could be dumb noobs that really stink at...
well TXGhost the moniters are based of the orical and last i checked they shoot (if my wording sounds rude im so sorry not meaning this to be rude...
who ever said full auto br omfg lol br's are more power full br's only shoot bursts so if it was a full auto br it wouldn't be a br it would be an...
is it cheating? no so who cares its fun to get high fast and i said he's only played 25 games my stupi friend has goteno n it and played like 50...