All this talk about Sandbox! The same is true of concrete barriers, for us Mythic-deprived players. I agree, they really can alter gameplay....
I'd definitely want to have one, two, or ten epic games of multi flag (which I did back in the old days of Halo:CE with my friends). It would...
I laughed when I saw the pictures and watched the teaser trailer, but my happiness slowly dissipated as I read through the update. As if it...
I wish you could make plasma rifle starts too, and better grenade options for that matter. I wanted to make plasma wars to have some epic fun in...
You'll kind of have to realize that spawns aren't the easiest thing in the world to coordinate so that they will always be safe. Just look at how...
There are some small factors that ruin maps for me. Specifically, I don't like the presence of the rocket launcher or ghost on Isolation. Those...
The scenario described in the first post can go either way, depending on the situation. In some cases, it will be best to take the easy kill, and...
Awesome! I wish I did, but I only took it for one year to fulfill a foreign language requirement. I unfortunately forgot most of what I learned.
Hi everyone. I recently joined the forums, so this is my official introduction. My name is Kyle, and feel free to call me that if you ever see...