thanks for the great response, Im glad youve enjoyed Salvation... its one of my best maps.. if I had to choose my favorites, it would be SALVATION...
Thanks for your comment but becareful about what you post... this is look at as SPAM and some people my "infraction" you for it. I know your new,...
It cant be perfect, I suppose to be a Enviromental Map, the Green Boxes are represented as Grass and everyone knows the earth is not perfectly...
The text is Photoshoped in the Screens, Im sorry for the confusion... but Im sure youll still enjoy the Aesthetic look of the map reguardless of...
yea it does suck to get robbed... 1. I did have a UPDATED version of Salvation and all my other maps on my Xbox360, but it was stolen... Yes the...
this looks very well forged, visually it looks great... havent had a chance to play it yet because 3 days ago I was robbed and everything I own...
A wonderfully made symetrical map.. I love the look and the way it plays. Great job.
ahhh yes, I remember this map... nicely done.. I was lost the entire game, it took me a while to get my bearings. but I guess thats what I get...
I was robbed last thursday, everything was taken... my xbox360 as well... so I wont be able to make any new maps for a while. thanks for taking...
Well how about that, you are correct about the mongoose does allow you to pass through the tiny seperation in the fence wall... shhhh lets keep...
just got robbed on thursday... everything stolen.. so Im pretty much screwed and wont be making any new maps for a while, I was almost finished...
Well it makes for a difficult Infection Game, Originally there is only one "infected" player at the beginning of the Round and he is invicible,...
Thank ya kindly sir, much obliged.
I promise itll be a map youll hold onto until Halo 4 comes out.
please respond back after youve downloaded and had a chance to experience the maps first hand.
I appreciate your response but I and the rest of the community would benefit from some indepth detail about the pros and cons of the map. It...
I havent heard a peep from u in a while over at GoO. missed out on a insane golf tournament the other night. love the "Projects" map "s" is...
GamersTag is PonyDx, hit me up with a (FR) or an "Invite"... check out some maps or play some matches. see ya King.
Yea, I did a little bit of touch ups to add a military look to it...I hope you enjoyed the map.
Thanks Batty for the positive message ya left. I put a lot of detail and dedication into my maps so that they look visually beautiful... because...