nice map i love the interlocking!!! 5/5 4 sure
nice i like the door glitch
1.flip the boxes 2.interlock them much open space 4.nothing new 5. welcome to forgehub
even though its your first post you got the pic thing you need to put more
ive seen 2 many maps like tis that are so much better... please take your time to make it a little more cleaner
you need more pics but looks gud with just one
great map keep on forging
the artic monter is amazing , but it would be way cooler if you could go inside the FFG-666 more
looks way too open
crazy man just crazy
very original bt you shold make the bridge wider and maybe have 2 trolls
great map and idea, but you should put more cover by the red flag
could use more coover in the bottem parts, still a 3.5/5
you might need more pics...but still a great start, maybe you should make a v3?
good idea but it gets boring after a need more cover on the towers or else it turns into some kind of KOTH thing
damn this is a crazy map 5/5
great job this is crazy clean
you need pics of the map not just other screenshots
you need more pics