I don't exactly care about allowing vulgarity, but when I was uploading pictures onto the 343 fileshare for one of the maps I've uploaded on...
I suppose it is. I tried to fight the sedation - I had a joke after I wanted to say after saying 98 counting from 100. The challenge being that...
Played a few games of invasion, and nearly EVERY game I was one of two or three people on my team who didn't leave - and my teammates sucked. So I...
I see what you're saying - and having it kept personal would be better, but I wasn't the one to originally create this thread.
I didn't state any opinion or feelings were better as some allotment to a superior apparatus, despite that you've defended yourself with no...
Trust me - this is the internet. We know nothing of your life and probably won't hold it over you - or me at least. And you did just make us...
This doesn't have to affect you, but how dare you disregard the feelings other people are experiencing as 'typical'. You know 'nothing' of these...
Wow, I thought it was all for comical purposes...but children are being named after it? Holy crap! If I had the word, I would JUST GO BACK TO...
Ah yeah! How's it going? We should play more often I'll friend you.
I'm so tired of DMR's nerfing vehicles - ESPECIALLY the slow heavy ones like wraiths and scorpions. I hope they learn from this mistake. ****ING...
I really love this song - and video. Thanks for sharing this! Soundgarden - Blow Up The Outside World - YouTube
Despite that it does look good with the fx (:P), it was more of a matter of budget lol. I changed the number of Alpha zombies before we started...
Soundgarden and Audioslave remain to be my most cherished bands. The grunge movement especially carried this existentialist ideology that I...
Words of advice: there are only five initial spawn points on both ends. If you want to try BTB, you may want to plug some more in. ;D...
Darmanitan is actually a concept inspired by a traditional Japanese commodity called a daruma. It is a symbol of good luck and preservance. I...
I am sorry for your town's loss. I'm sure your sister would know that it is not the impact of your life that matters, but the implications of it....
Let's see here...this is my original set for 5th gen. 1. [IMG] I chose Tepig (eventually having an Emboar) mostly because everyone else seemed to...
Hey, do you want to try to do a custom game marathon assuming we can get the lobby size to do so? I think I should be clear for tomorrow sometime.
Right now, the way forging works is somewhat of a skill to even properly place objects - well, in a decent amount of time anyways. Once we have...
Yeah, I know they are reluctant to working a while on quality pokemon, but if the franchise keeps going on this path - well, I think quality work...