Lmao! I love this. I'm totally showing my friends. I love funny deaths. :)
Take your screenshots and out them on Photobucket or Imageshack or w/e. When posting, click the small mountain picture with the box in the...
We don't even know what game type it is, unless I missed it. I see it is slayer, now that I checked the b.net link. A little bit more info would...
Yeah, local. lol, I would laugh so hard if it was an action shot from live!
lol, as soon as I heard about the golf club and ball on sandbox, I knew there would be some original ideas. This is the first one I've seen that...
Yeah, I relized that after. My friend was the one who made the profiles, we didn't even notice. It's close enough anyway.
I mean no offence to any fans, or Rihanna herself. It was my friends idea, and I wanted to get it out before someone else did. If it has been...
Niceeeee. First orbital puzzle! Congrats! I love puzzle maps, and I'll definitely give yours a whirl. Do I get anything if I beat it? If I...
This looks really nice. I'll give it a DL. Congrats on the first Tremors n' Mouse map. I love the idea of blocking off the Guardians to make...
I made a tele on the main floor and the crypt and they wouldn't go up there. Then I tried to go straight to the sky bubble, but no success. I'll...
We don't need more duck hunt maps! Try to think of something more original. And there are some ways to cheat. I'd fix everything up, like you...
I tried that, but they still aren't appearing. Is this because I'm using a double wall?
Great canvas. But one question. If I try to bring things up to the main floor, they dont follow me. How do I get things that are bigger than...
Good idea. Love it. More interlocking would be nice. And Sandbox would be nice too. I am definitely downloading. I l0ve it.
I love the idea of the outer area. And if it isn't low enough, you should make it so if they jump to high, they hit the killball. lol, i knew...
This looks really confusing, which I'm sure makes it cool. I like this map alot. I think teleporters would make it even more confusing and fun....
I think this would be cool with ZOMBIES! Maybe if there is ever a v2, you could include an infection gametype. I think the mancannons would be...
Sandbox is not the end of forge. It is the beginning. Even people with terrible forge skills will get involved, but that is okay. The idea is...
Lol, I really liked the movie. But damn! You stole my map name! I was gonna make something with that name. Oh well. It looks good, well...
This map does not look very good. It looks ghetto. I'd say you should get some more interlocking and geomerging. It is a good idea, but it...