Looks really nice and clean. The TMEs sound really fun. The shield door would be funny if someone ran into it while it spawned. Great map....
I was big fan of theblackout one. Just earlier I was wondering when an obstacle course would come out for sandbox. Good idea of having it all...
Great. A long, hard puzzle map. I hate maps that are hard, but I must try. This looks great and long for those experienced puzzlers. I am pretty...
I don't think they should be able to kill the zombies. It seems to easy, if their are lots of people to just go somewhere unnoticed, and snipe...
DAMMIT! ERG! NO! I was gonna use that killball thing for a puzzle map i was gonna make. :( I know how to do it though. It's so clever. Looks...
This map looks really fun. Amazingly fun. Major download from me. Although I've never played **** zombies, or even WAW for that matter, but...
I like this map a lot. I disagree with dow. A map can be made on anything, not just based on killing people. I love this idea and the cross is...
This looks really nice. Well forged and smooth. Definite download from me. I like the idea of unimited grenades, so you can battl, like in the...
WOW! One of the first things I did on orbital was a turret glitch to get out. Although I never dreamed of making it that far. This is so sick!...
This actually looks surprisingly fun. I like the grav lift too. When I saw the shield doors, I thought someon would just stay in there, but they...
It looks pretty good, but you should put those killballs to use. And it looks a bit open on the outside. Maybe close it up a bit. And I hope...
This does seem kind of pointless. It's a good idea for a target practice. But for people wanting practice, they could just play duck hunt. It is...
This looks really fun. Definitely a keeper. It looks very original, and well forged. I want to try CTF on this, very cool very cool. DL fo sho.
This map looks really neat. Definite download. I'm a bit Hasty about the zombies and weapons, but I'll give it a try. I like the scafold or w/e...
Looks nice. Teleporters would be cool to, confusing people. Imagine CTF, Hill, or even Oddball on this map. Anything would be fun to play on this.
The map looks really fun, nice and clean. This is a definite download. I'd think of it more an obstacle coarse than a race map, but this is a...
http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/D04891B5781C29CA5C3DFE254B2FFFF0/"][IMG][/URL] This was a total accident. I died like that, so I had to take...
Way better than the last remake I just saw. I like the roman numerals in the rooms. I like the banshee idea. And if someone did get them down,...
Wow. This is amazing. Do the items you place outside stay, like on the grid? I hope so. This could be very useful.
I like the idea of a real house. I agree with el3ctronic, it is empty on the outside. Maybe making some One bomb, One flag type stuff would be...