Great job guys. Seeing this in the Grifball Double XP weekend would be amazing. Testing was really fun. I hope to see more awesometastic maps...
What if you wanted to. What if a minigame required it to be a bit laggy and it would be better. It doesn't matter why, he just wanted to tell...
You don't have to use google chrome you know.
Not just another teenage vampire love story. Looks great.
Umm, the famine skull from halo 3. Actually, all the halo 3 skulls.
Don't forget, the horribly forged, Power Weapon filled, Foundry Base has messed up tele's and random mancannons aswell! =) It's funny cuz half of...
Although I dont believe it's there on perpose, that is a pretty nice find.
To me, I don't care about my win/loss ratio. Obviously a lot of people do care, but that's just me. I go in to action sack just to **** around...
I don't like to get in to big debates, but I have to say this. I believe what Dow is saying. I watched a movie about this in History class....
dun + dun. sry, i did think bout it b4 i postd. i nvr do it gen. sry bai
Null...I love you.. Great map! Never really played it much. I'd like to get a chance. I like Null Pairameetar. Edit: When the hell are you going...
Oh, quick question. How did you get those things to go in to the ground like that!? It looks so cool and I was curious. And how did you get that...
Hey, great job on the map guys! It's so fun to play on. Overboard is a great gametype! The map looks like you put a lot of hard work in to this...
I'm posting upon request of the original poster. This shall be teh epic winsauce nd itl get featr times liek over 9000 fer sure. This is a really...
Fix'd. This looks pretty fun actually. Great job. What are the blocks set to spawn at? And do they disapear during the game, or stay there.
Oh, I just meant Nova in general.
The first one looks like the spartan has giant balls. I like Gunslinger. I love nova. It rox.
Try the second after a grenade throw.
I don't think it would change anything, and I think it would work well. Nice thinking.
lol it come from the ground. how did you do that! Geomerged warthog ftw!