Link himself doesn't look very depthy. Maybe it's just the stock, idk. I'm no expert.
We don't know yet.
I have a beautiful double splatter. Boosted by a brute shot on the back, killed two guys. I can't render it, but I can put it on my FS. I'll...
I really hope it's similar to H3 Forge. I would hate a FC2 map editor. I believe it would also ruin what we know as forging.
I'll check out all Forge has to offer. It's definitely going to be one of the most anticipated features of Reach, atleast for all of us. Next,...
I was thinking about this a while ago. I didn't know other people realized it too. I don't think it was found out though. I bet a lot of people...
Gameplay > Feel The whole "Running out of ammo" thing never works well. VIP is a very underused gametype. Go with that, there are many more...
Looks good and all, but it's kinda hard to see the layout. Maybe a sky view screenshot with the roof taken off would be nice to get a better feel...
This game really takes team coordination. The Spartan thing was just genius. I'm glad the tank was removed. It was too overpowered for the team...
Congrats...........I guess;)
The only thing I'm going to say is that proper conquest maps are linear. I'm sure this will play fine, but just sayin'.
This year I'm not really asking for anything special. Whatever I get will be nice.
I just tried it and it was nice. Wasn't too hard, but definitely wasn't easy. Great job. That slide jump was way to easy. ;) If you make...
Shield doors can lead to camping. That's why there were new versions of Epitaph and Snowbound made, because people would just camp and they were...
Blue's talking about Halo3Screenshots. Not haloscreenshots. I didn't mind it, but it's not too omg.
Yo dawg
I know it's wrong, but I still do it. Assassins Creed 2, Prince of Persia, L4D, CoD WaW are the one's I've done. I pirated a few adobe programs....
black theorem is a *****
Ur a kewl guy u make threads and doesnt afraid of anythin