yea, mantage was actually pretty funny... lmao
If you'd like the "Star Nameplate" in Halo Reach just reply in this thread w/ the gamertag you want it for, thats all i need to gift it :) EDIT:...
alright, well im just confused now...! what i thought you were saying was that you used this effect: [IMG] on this screenshot of yours:...
or 3 like final fantasy XIII... lmao
What do you mean by "What do you mean by that effect?"... lol (you were saying you used it, or rather ripped off it- but i dont see anything...
last time i heard all the games being released in the near future on the xbox will be utilizing the extra disc space, our xbox's have already been...
of course i dont call it that, lol- i started calling it "Mise-en-scene" bc of a joke, but thats another story :P also are you sure you were...
thanks :D
this is the only link i could find on a whim, and its not a good one- lol: Rumor: 360 Disc Format Adds 1GB To 360 DVDs - but microsoft...
Welcome! idk why you like star fox assault when star fox 64 is soooo much better, i just cant wait until its on the 3DS :)
Welcome! Just have to say that and that im excited to see the remake of narrows, it was easily one of the best maps in halo 3 :D
yea, that makes sense with the disc update they are going through- hadnt thought about that point yet...
the sign in and search options are offline for everybody right now... EDIT: actually they just went back up :P
The defiant map pack, along with that helmet, was created solely by 343i so bungie cant release it even if they wanted to- so thats not it that...
i would if i had some time, gotta finish about 7 other full games first though :/
Thanks and Thanks again Vicious Vice :D
lol, well im saying the only thing i cant comment on it whether or not its funny/ has good dialogue... also thanks for the info!!
havnt heard anything on the bungie forums, but as far as i know reach hasnt had any updates aside from the playlists recently (which shouldnt...
the cinematics look cool, but im not a fan of machinima's so im not watching it all... lmao also can i ask how you lower weapons in reach?
Blue Ray as definitely hit the market where im at, all age groups, but i would like to see backwards compatibility also...