so any suggestions on the map or just the post? lol
This post relates to my new infection game series; The Uprising. Please read my intro: So is it fun being the zombie? no. those Left 4 Dead...
I experimented with my idea in forgeworld and then found that territories gametype only allows 5 ****ing territories and 2 teams?? WTF where they...
Five has s simplier layout so it will be next on my list. the random teleporter system is as simple as a bunch of 2-way-node teleporters lol it...
I'd love to play this map simply cuz of the atmosphere i think it makes the map. the layout also looks promising. surprisingly, there arent a lot...
I'm in the process of recreating the newest **** zombie map installment in the Call of Duty series. Kino der Toten is a mansion, in case you...
sorry for double-posting but I am unable to make another thread so i thought I'd just post a newly updated Nacht der Untoten map here, since its...
actually, "headshots only" is a feature that only belongs to the Call of Duty custom game options and is unknown to Halo. The only thing similar...
one of the only ways a Halo Reach RTS would work is with a full-forge-world-16-player-multi-team-territories match with about 1-3 out of the 16...
the map looks pretty good but holy balls the first screenshot area is as wide as an entire wall collesium! seems as thought the gameplay would be...
well i dont think ill be back on for a while. but you shud post the township map we made and i updated my nacht der untoten map from my fileshare!... : Halo Reach : File Details could you post Apocalyptic eventually? I fixed it up before i went off and I'd like to see how people like...
I made a gametype called Warfare in Halo 3 based off of Modern Warfare gameplay where you die faster as well. everyone loved it and this should be...
yes I've made a hunterpocalypse near the time when Reach came out xD for anyone playing Hunterpocalypse, get ready to **** your pants in the bonus...
Yes! another township map! these are the best infection maps and this one's a keeper. the aesthetics are nice and the layout looks promising. PS....
I shall try fo sho
well i dont get highspeed internetz out in these parts lolz but i hope to somehow get it soon and be back in the game!
anyone know how make an unmounted turret spawn without anyone ever having to rip it off the tripod?
life without Live sucks... just so you know... anyway here's the layout of what could be the most detailed infection map I've ever made (with lots...
i suppose there would be some problems with spawning, so perhaps maybe this idea would be better suited for invasion, which would be set up like...