Working on my map with territories. the idea is to have 3 territories up for grabs between 2 teams. iv set the labels, made the game asymetric,...
well thank you but like I said it plays differently than youd think. people with huge groups are in a party or usually all have mics and when...
i have no idea why its in french i cant change it, thats so weird.. and actually I go by what others have said when playing with them. I didnt...
all the hunger games maps ive seen dont use as much of forge world as this game does. the way the secrets are and the way the weapons are so hard...
dude no way! same thing happened to me! check out this thread!
I met a guy on live back in Halo 3 whos name was, no joke, PoopyFingerSniff with some numbers or something inbetween but it was just hilarious. Id...
played with 11 players and it played perfectly. in a game like this, you need space, but lots of accesibility to the areas of forgeworld which Iv...
I want to spend money on another mappack. All i have is noble map pack.. the first one. I was disappointed. Now I know theres new awesome forge...
haha Im old enough to be your daddy. lol probably am!
that reply just... was useless
ok dude you need to calm the hell down. we are saying that more customization in the maps core elements would allow for more in-depth map...
this. and no Im not dying to change my service tag to A55, its just a weird strict quirk you f*cking nimrods. get it straight. and "Pimp" is...
well I took some more screenshots and its still doing it and I definitely made sure its Wednesday and not any of the other date and time...
The Spartan Games You have one life to live. How will you choose to live it? This is not one of the Hunger Games map remakes. The idea follows...
thank you for the encouragement. The buildings look more buildingish once your in the map and can go in them. the screenshots dont do it much...
haha you guys are hilarious. dont take it so seriously! We just want to name our maps what we want. Seriously, you cant put "Reich" in a...
i just autonamed the map so.. nothing. it was just the date lol
this would be nice but (your link is broken) and I kind of like the territories and how it says reinforcements and weapon drop after a while, I...
can someone tell me why ANY of the Halos are rated M? The language is that of a PG-13 movie (only in campaign anyway) and the violence isnt that...
[IMG] I was playing ODST to get some acheivements to get the Military Police helmet and decided to remake Lost Platoon. It was fairly easy and...