I love this map but I never noticed the little problem thing in the corner but those high g turns are so fun I just want to turn around and go...
I took a spin around this map and it is great Its very ascetically pleasing and I was by myself and I can see how it would be easy to get 2...
I get its a remake but I'm sure the original wasn't just a flat all Gray track and take some liberties to make it look good.
This looks really fun not vary pong like but a good game this actually gives me an idea for a working pong game hmmmm well good job.
yeah I liked looking at your pictures bring them back. please.
It would make a nice watermark if you make the spartan brighter.
EPIC This maps asthetics just look awesome I haven't played an a game on it other than just flying around but it looks fun to play. Great job!
I love to play infection its mostly what I play and I have gotten booted at least 7 times and It is annoying me but I it mostly depends on who you...
I think that IF they bring it back it shouldn't be a katana but something similar like a giant revolver on your hip of a cutlass but not the same...
I like the one for the second of November It makes my head spin.
Looks like a nice map but this is going to get locked if you dont get a working pic!
Thats awesome how did you do that!
OHHHH I was wondering were you would find the word pump in a school.
Im pretty sure that you mean WWI and It looks nice but i agree with game time It jusn't have BAM! That other trench maps have.
It doesn't look like donkey Kong but it looks very fun turning the damage off and giving every one rocket launchers and sprinting to the top looks...
I love this map It looks great but I don't like the break it looks like it would slow down movement of the game. And not to rain on your parade...
I love the picture of the usb but where did you find pump?? but I like the closeups they always looks so amazing to see what things that we see...
That's a great map but there is a way to spawn on mongoose's but I think it has to be a race game type and would make it impossible to count goals...
This map looks like so much fun Im downloading right now and i cant wait to play great Idea you should have put some mines in it.
This looks awesome Ive had some Ideas for maps underwater but they don't work and I tried to download the map but it doesn't work FYI.