nice, sounds like a good idea. You can dl the map and try to make that gametype, sounds really cool (=
Wow, It looks really fun and challinging espicially for more than 1 player. Ill definitily give it a dl and see 4 sure.
This is my first forgehub post so please go easy on me. Im very proud of this map and I took about 5 hours to make it. Please enjoy! DOWNLOAD:...
I really love the idea but from what I see it doesnt look that hard... you should add more screenshots of the inside of the tunnels.
Pretty good! I like the effect with the killballs and that its pretty long and challinging. Also I like that that some parts you can go more...
This game looks like alot of fun! Im going to give it a download and see how good it is! Looks like a game that would be fun with alot of...
I have an idea for a good zombie game on this map. The humans start inside the toilet and have to survive for a couple of mins from the oncoming...
Okay! as you can see these are my first screenshots, and also my first post. I am really excited to show some of the screenshots I worked hard on...
I liked what I saw, except that there shouldnt be a watchtower because a person shooting could interupt gameplay
I love it! The map looks like a really fun map to just play with your friends. Really original ideas on the volcanoes, and nice jump on the big...
Looks pretty fun! Im gonna give it a download and see how good the stuff is that you didnt show us. also I give the map 4/5
Nice, this map is really clean and looks great. I think that it would be really fun with shotguns.
I think that the tube looks really cool, and the map has really smooth merges. good job!
Yay first reply! Wow, this map sound really fun. 5/5
This is definitly the 2nd best map ive seen (2nd to quantum). The track looks amazing and the pretzel is definitly cool.
I really like most of them. Some of them are a little pointless though.
I love it! The idea is very original, and the map is very cool. Also your description of the game made me Lawl. (=
I have played this map before and its definitly good. Its very smooth and takes alot of skill to complete it.
I think the map is very cool and original. Except That the grav lift spawning may make it so it takes less skill and reflexes because it auto...
I used to always try to do this without knowing really how. Thanks for posting this. It is truely amazing.