HUGHGHHW! DOUBLE POST! NEVERRRR! EVERRR! DOUBLE POST! but to be sirious, im gonna rate your map now. I love the idea of not being able to be hit...
I never noticed brutes have mohawks O.O
I like both of them although I think the 2nd one looks a bit better, love the green fading effect. First one is a good concept, but not you didnt...
Green ShocKK: http//"][IMG] I dont think this 1 works, although it is awesome.
Heres 3 of some of my best screenshots, please leave constructive critisizem. Mayhem:...
Same as what spaz said, whats the effect? Also VERY NICELY DONE.
lol, nice one halo kid! also nice screenshots, espicially like the first 1
Very nice screenshots, can u plz tell me how to get 5th 1 or post a link to a tutorial?
The first one seems pretty pointless but the 2nd one is cool and would be even cooler if it was just the fire on the ground, like hes going so...
do you still have the map?
This next screenshot is a really cool one made in the screenshot room I downloaded from bungie favs. Its called Green ShocKK....
FIRST, lol Really cool idea to have it just on the inside. From a couple of the pics it looks like you just threw down a bunch of cover objects...
Very nice remake. From what I see it looks really smooth and I love the way that you spawn off it instead of having to whatch from death, ill have...
This is a very interesting game. Killing yourself. I love the idea, im going to give it a download and play it with a couple of friends. I also...
This looks really amazing! In my opinion if you smoothed out a couple of stuff and maybe changeup the startingpoint to look better (cause pallets...
From the vieo the the map looks really fun. The top looks well put together but the bottom words look kinda sloppy. Nice job tho 4/5
Actually you press the little plus sign on the right side. BTW I think that this is a really amazing tool that alot of people will use!:happy:
Im in! My gt is: xMoBxPaNdA Pm Me on the day pl0x
WOW!!!!!! this are amazing!!! but siriously i really like them espicially silver lining because of the silver lining lol.
Wow, only one person needs to tell him this. ANyways your map sounds awesome and you should pm when the pics are fixed. ALSO the pics might not...